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デジタルオブジェクト付き19件 デジタルオブジェクトを含む結果を表示

GO.61 League Arab States

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-6-AG 15-IBI-6-2-AG 15-IBI-6-2-1-AG 15-IBI-6-2-1-GO.61
  • ファイル
  • 1975-1987
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션

Non-governmental organization files

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-6-AG 15-IBI-6-2-AG 15-IBI-6-2-2
  • サブシリーズ
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션

Subseries consists of files on non-governmental organizations with which the IBI worked over time. It is arranged based on an numeric classification scheme where each NGO was assigned a number.

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