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  • Fond2-2023-04-11/0-2023-04-14/16-2023-04-18/42-2023-04-17/42-2023-04-17/42
  • アイテム
  • 1893.5.6. ~ 1950.11.
  • 上位の階層이화여대 퐁

한학자·역사학자. 양명학 연구의 대가였으며 한민족이 주체가 되는 역사체계 수립에 노력한 역사학자였다.

B4-16 - Information technology serving society - based on a seminar series given in the spring of 1977

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-9-AG 15-IBI-9-1-AG 15-IBI-9-1-2-AG 15-IBI-9-1-2-13
  • アイテム
  • 1977-1979
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션

Information technology serving society - based on a seminar series given in the spring of 1977, sponsored by the American University, the IBI & Pergamon Press LTD., Pergamon press, Oxford-New York-Toronto-Sydney-Paris-Frakfurt, 1979

Tesis - La informatica gubernamental como instrumento de desarollo: el caso de Panama

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-9-AG 15-IBI-9-1-AG 15-IBI-9-1-2-AG 15-IBI-9-1-2-69
  • アイテム
  • 1983
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션

Enrique Noriega Castillero, Tesis par la obtencion del grado de doctor en informatica - La informatica gubernamental como instrumento de desarollo: el caso de Panama, Facultad de informatica de la Universidad politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, 1983

Microcomputers and bibliographic information systems in Latin America: Problems, experiences and projections

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-9-AG 15-IBI-9-1-AG 15-IBI-9-1-2-AG 15-IBI-9-1-2-77
  • アイテム
  • 1984
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션

Economic Commission for Latin America, UNESCO and UNESCO-PGI, Microcomputers and bibliographic information systems in Latin America: Problems, experiences and projections, Final Raport (First draft), Santiago de Chile, Chile, 1984

IFIP-ICC Vocabulary of information processing

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-9-AG 15-IBI-9-2-AG 15-IBI-9-2-1-AG 15-IBI-9-2-1-6
  • アイテム
  • 1966
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션

IFIP-ICC Vocabulary of information processing - First English Language Edition, North-Holland publishing compagny (second printing), Amsterdam, 1966

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