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Reference files and training materials

Series consists of reference materials maintained by Garcia de Truslow during her employment at the World Bank. Included are: administrative manual statements; addresses by World Bank presidents; government directors; accounting handbooks; and World Bank publications including World's Word and Development.

Series also consists of training materials Garcia de Truslow collected during her employment at the World Bank. Training was provided by the Personnel Management Department's Staff Training Division. Training topics include: Land Information Systems; Project Economic Appraisal; Basic Procurement; Cofinancing Policies and Procedures; Private Sector Assessment; and Macroeconomics. Training materials from sessions on banking and financial management provided by the Economic Development Institute (EDI, later the World Bank Institute [EDI]) are also included.

국내 플로깅 사업 현황

대한민국 안에서 진행되는 플로깅(Plogging), 줍깅 모음으로 국내 플로깅 사업 현황 시리즈이다. 공공기관과 지자체 주도, 기업 주도, 민간 주도 3개의 파일로 구성되어 있다. 공공기관과 지자체와 기업 주도는 각 8개의 아이템으로 구성되어 있으며 민간 주도는 6개의 아이템으로 구성되어 있다. 이미지(JPEG, PNG) 33장과 기사 링크 22건이 포함되어 있다.


국내 플로깅 인식 현황

플로깅 관련 논문과 플로깅 관련 인식조사 언론보도 내역을 모은 시리즈이다. 플로깅 관련 논문, 플로깅 관련 인식조사 및 언론보도내역 2개의 파일로 구성되어 있다. 플로깅 관련 논문은 3개의 아이템으로 구성되어 있으며, 플로깅 관련 인식조사 및 언론보도 내역은 4개의 아이템으로 구성되어 있다. 이미지(JPEG) 2장(367.4kb)과 문서(PDF) 161장(7,429.08kb), 웹 기사 링크 6건이 포함되어 있다.

플로깅 관련 논의사항들

대한민국 안에서 진행되는 플로깅(Plogging), 줍깅 중 플로깅과 관련된 다양한 용어들 모음과 활동 후 쓰레기 처리 문제 등 논의사항에 대한 시리즈이다. 플로깅 용어 사용 관련, 플로깅 결과물 처리 관련이라는 2개의 파일로 구성되어 있다. 플로깅 용어 사용 관련은 7개의 아이템으로 구성되어 있다. 플로깅 결과물 처리 관련은 4개의 아이템으로 구성되어 있다. 이미지(JPEG) 3장(364kb), 문서(PDF) 2건(423kb), 웹 기사 링크 11건이 포함되어 있다.

Community initiatives and organizational materials

  • CA CCOQ C10-S03
  • シリーズ
  • 2000 - 2013

The series relates to Boire's involvement with several community organizations and initiatives in Maillardville. Firstly, it encompasses the records of Boire's time with the Maillardville Residents' Association (MRA), on its Maillardville revitalization and planning Task Force, which was instrumental for advocating for development activities. The series also contains records about the development of Place Maillardville, the Coquitlam Heritage Society, as well as the Vancity Maillardville Advisory Committee. Lastly, the series contains fliers, ephemera, and articles about events in Maillardville, including the Festival du Bois, and the 2009 Maillardville centenary.

Record types include agendas and minutes, correspondence, ephemera, brochures, newspaper articles, bulletins, and revitalization and development reports.

Stephen Ellis

Series includes material related to Now That April’s Here, a 1958 Canadian feature-film directed by William Davidson (later producer of Adventures in Rainbow Country and Matt & Jenny). The project was an early attempt to start a feature-film industry in Toronto independent of the CBC and NFB. Based on work by Morley Callaghan, shot on the streets of Toronto, and narrated by Raymond Massey. Criticized in Variety for its “amateur acting standards and limited prospect,” the film was a financial failure.

Series also contains material related to the following unproduced KEG projects:
Mayor of Utt
Rusty The Red Squirrel
Living Wild

Series includes the following Sub-Series:
03.01 Wild Canada
03.02 Profiles of Nature
03.03 Matt & Jenny
03.04 Adventures in Rainbow County
03.05 Fishing In Northern Ontario
03.06 The Baby Human
03.07 Mother Nature
03.08 Wild Guess
03.09 Tales of the Unexpected
03.10 Ingmar Bergman Features
03.11 Distribution Features
03.12 World of Survival = Survival
03.13 Sports Miniatures
03.14 Thin Ice / Survival
03.15 Laurence Olivier Presents: The Best Play of the Year 19--
03.16 Dan Gibson’s Nature Family
03.17 The Man Who Loved Birds
03.18 Images of Galapagos
03.19 The Tube


Information and documentation

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-9-AG 15-IBI-9-1
  • シリーズ
  • 1948-1987
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션

The IBI Documentation Centre maintained a library of material related to informatics or information technologies. The material was organized according to thematic groupings which were assigned a classification code. The series has three subseries, including one on the history of the organization from its creation to the 1980s entitled "Histoire de l'IBI."

Executive Council session transcriptions

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-2-AG 15-IBI-2-2
  • シリーズ
  • 1964-1987
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션

Series consists of an incomplete set of transcripts and audio-recordings from the sessions of the Executive Council. Of the 57 ordinary sessions and 4 extraordinary sessions, there are only records from 29 sessions in this series.

Consultative Programme and Budget Committee

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-2-AG 15-IBI-2-4
  • シリーズ
  • 1980-1986
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션

The Consultative Programme and Budget Committee was created by the 53rd Session of the IBI Executive Council. It held its first meetings on 27-28 February 1986 in Rome. The purpose of the Committee was to analyze proposals for programme activities and the budgets submitted by the Director-General for the years 1987-1988 and then to make recommendations based on its analysis to the Executive Council. The series mostly contains documents and correspondence exchanged by members of the Committee around the time of its meetings.

Consultative Scientific Committee

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-2-AG 15-IBI-2-5
  • シリーズ
  • 1987
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션

The Consultative Scientific Committee was created by a decision at the 13th Session of the General Assembly of the IBI as part of a larger initiative of reflection on the Organization, its present situation and its future prospects. The Scientific Committee was proposed as a supporting body to IBI programme activities which would meet every two years to study and propose state of the art technologies and their use for the socio-economic and cultural development of member states.

The series consists of correspondence about the Committee exchanged between 8 January to 2 February 1987. One of its sessions seems to have been held on 20-21 January 1987. Any possible official documents from these meetings are missing.

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