
印刷プレビュー Hierarchy 表示:

デジタルオブジェクト付き531件 デジタルオブジェクトを含む結果を表示


  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-6-AG 15-IBI-6-2-AG 15-IBI-6-2-3-AG 15-IBI-6-2-3-C.38
  • ファイル
  • 1983-1987
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션


  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-6-AG 15-IBI-6-2-AG 15-IBI-6-2-3-AG 15-IBI-6-2-3-C.39
  • ファイル
  • 1986-1988
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션


  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-6-AG 15-IBI-6-2-AG 15-IBI-6-2-3-AG 15-IBI-6-2-3-C.40
  • ファイル
  • 1972-1986
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션

General Assemblies

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-ICPHS-AG 15-ICPHS-1
  • シリーズ
  • 1948-1990
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션

Official documents and inactive correspondence files concerning the preparatory and general assemblies of the International Council for Philosophy and Humanistic Studies


General Assembly records

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-1
  • サブフォンド
  • 1962-1988
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션

The General Assembly subfonds consists of four series:
-series IBI/1/1 contains the official documents of the General Assembly sessions
-series IBI/1/2 contains the official documents of the Management Committee
-series IBI/1/3 contains the transcriptions of debates at the General Assembly
-series IBI/1/4 contains sound recordings of some General Assembly and REVCO sessions


General Assembly Sessions

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-ICPHS-AG 15-ICPHS-1-AG 15-ICPHS-1-1/1
  • サブシリーズ
  • 1940s - 1990s
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션

Reports, travel documents, project preparation files, inactive correspondence, and other documents concerning the first twenty assemblies of ICPHS


General Assembly Sessions

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-1-AG 15-IBI-1-1
  • シリーズ
  • 1962-1988
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션

The General Assembly met for 13 ordinary sessions and 6 extraordinary sessions. The documents include information on: decisions made at each session; financial reports; and, reports on the activities and budget of the Organization. Records from the 8th session of the General Assembly are missing from the series.

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