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印刷プレビュー Hierarchy 表示:

デジタルオブジェクト付き506件 デジタルオブジェクトを含む結果を表示

Tesis - La informatica gubernamental como instrumento de desarollo: el caso de Panama

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-9-AG 15-IBI-9-1-AG 15-IBI-9-1-2-AG 15-IBI-9-1-2-69
  • アイテム
  • 1983
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션

Enrique Noriega Castillero, Tesis par la obtencion del grado de doctor en informatica - La informatica gubernamental como instrumento de desarollo: el caso de Panama, Facultad de informatica de la Universidad politecnica de Madrid, Madrid, 1983

Symposium on the numerical treatment of ordinary differential equations, integral and integro-differential equations

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-9-AG 15-IBI-9-2-AG 15-IBI-9-2-1-AG 15-IBI-9-2-1-2
  • アイテム
  • 1960
  • 上位の階層신동헌 컬렉션

Symposium on the numerical treatment of ordinary differential equations, integral and integro-differential equations: proceedings of the Rome Symposium (20-24 September 1960) organized by the provisional international computation centre, edited by the Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel/Stuttgart, 1960

Statement of Nelia Sancho, LILA-PILIPINA, The 3rd Asian Women's Solidarity Forum on "Military Sexual Slavery by Japan"

  • SNU-A Fond1-SbF-01-Col-01-Ser-02-Fol-05-IT00000045
  • アイテム
  • 1995-02-27
  • 上位の階層서울대 퐁

Statement of the 3rd Asian Solidarity Forum on "Military Sexual Slavery by Japan" by Nelia Sancho (Representative of LILA-PILIPINA). Under the theme of <About the Japanese Government's "Charity Money" Fundraising Plan>, we oppose the Japanese government's private fundraising and demand an official apology, fact-finding, and history education from the Japanese government.


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