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66 결과 보기

기록물 기술
UNESCO Archives 신동헌 컬렉션 영어
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디지털 객체가 포함된 결과 19 건 디지털 개체에 관한 결과 보기

Symposium on the numerical treatment of ordinary differential equations, integral and integro-differential equations

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-9-AG 15-IBI-9-2-AG 15-IBI-9-2-1-AG 15-IBI-9-2-1-2
  • 1960
  • Part of 신동헌 컬렉션

Symposium on the numerical treatment of ordinary differential equations, integral and integro-differential equations: proceedings of the Rome Symposium (20-24 September 1960) organized by the provisional international computation centre, edited by the Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel/Stuttgart, 1960

Service du protocole

Note interne du directeur général aux départements de l'IBI relative au protocole de l'IBI vis à vis des visiteurs et de l'organisation des conférences au sein de l'organisation.

Profili delle societa del gruppo STET

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-9-AG 15-IBI-9-1-AG 15-IBI-9-1-2-AG 15-IBI-9-1-2-88
  • 1983
  • Part of 신동헌 컬렉션

Profili delle societa del gruppo STET et accords de coopération avec ladite société.

Ordre du jour

  • FR PUNES 2024-05-09/44-AG 15-AG 15-IBI-AG 15-IBI-2-AG 15-IBI-2-1-AG 15-IBI-2-1-71-AG 15-IBI-2-1-71-IBI EX.56/01 Rév.2
  • 1987-07-27
  • Part of 신동헌 컬렉션

결과 1 to 20 of 66